Thursday, 2 July 2009

Problems Associated With Fleas

Fleas are capable of transmitting plague and murine typhus to humans, but it's pretty rare. For the most part fleas are more of a nuisance than anything else.

They are not picky about their meals; any warm-blooded animal will do. Bites usually cause minor itching, but may be more irritating to those with sensitive skin. Some people and pets suffer from flea allergy dermatitis, lasting up to 5 days and characterized by intense itching, reddening at the bite site, hair loss, and secondary infection.

Fleas also serve as intermediate hosts of the tapeworm (Dipylidium caninum). This intestinal parasite is transmitted to the pet while grooming via ingestion of an adult flea carrying a tapeworm cyst. The flea is infected by ingestion of the cyst during its larval stage. The parasite segments resemble small pieces of rice and may be discovered around the anal region of your pet.

Source: University of Florida Extension Service

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